We Thank Our Veterans!!

On behalf of the Dream Center, we would like to thank all of the Veterans who have served our country.  We have many parents, brothers and sisters who have served.  Today is a day to celebrate real heroes who are protecting us to stand day & nights in borders. We are proud to honor the american forces who served for the country.

Thank You Veterans Day

Veterans Day Thank You



Thank You Veterans Poems For Our Heroes



Secret Respect

There’s not a Fascist in the USA
Who doesn’t, in their true heart, say
I’m thankful for those who serve and fight,
So I can peacefully sleep at night.

No partisan politics can keep away
The gratitude I feel, but cannot say
To veterans who kept America secured,
With all the hardships they endured.

Away from family, friends and more,
They knew what they were working for:
Keeping freedom really free
For the right, the middle, and even me.

Veterans, you have my deep respect,
Even if it isn’t politically correct.




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